Hibou Services
Helping learners find their wings

Writing Coaching for Students

Does your daughter put off writing assignments until the night before they’re due?

Does your son think he’s a bad writer because his first drafts don’t flow onto the page in A+ form?

Does your daughter hatch impressive ideas that get lost between her brain and the page?

Writing is a skill that combines reading, research, organization, grammar, critical thinking, editing, and patience, yet kids are taught that writing can be mastered with a simple five‑step process: prewrite; write, revise; edit; and turn in.

If we taught our budding scientists that they could build a spaceship with a similarly simple five‑step process—plan; build; test; improve; and launch—we’d be swamped with questions that start with "but how?"

Beginning writers feel the same confusion about the writing process: they understand what their teachers expect, but they’re not sure how to get it done. As a writing coach, I help students understand:

  • How to read course materials in a way that supports written assignments
  • How to turn big ideas into strong papers
  • How to use drafts as a tool to craft solid papers
  • How to read their own drafts with the same objective eye their teachers will use to grade them
  • How to turn grammar goofs into a check list for proofreading
  • How to make best use of the time between assignment dates and due dates

Let me help your writers find their wings.